
Selective Racking

NZ’s Leading Experts in Heavy Duty Industrial Pallet Racking & Shelving

Selective Pallet Racking

  • Gives you 100% selectivity of products stored.
  • Is about 35% efficient in terms of floor space utilisation.
  • Can be accessed with a standard fork lift.
  • Victor’s new bolt together frames are 100% compatible with your original Victor product.
Selective racking in a supermarket for retail shelves

High Quality

Selective pallet racking is the most common system for storing palletised goods.

Due to the wide range of dimensions and specifications required across industry sectors, we are confident your requirements can be satisfied from the Novalok product range. Novalok NOVARACK and VICTOR racking products are sourced from highly reputable international manufacturers, using highest grades of steel that meet, and comply with all international racking metallurgy standards. To get the maximum life out of your Novarak or Victor Pallet Racking installation, Novalok recommend you fit a good quality racking protection system, Go to our site on Racking Protection to explore the options.

Selective Racking in a warehouse

Got a storage problem?

We may have a solution

Problem: “I have a lot of identical pallets to store. As a safety issue I cannot block stack but I need to get as many pallets as possible into a given area without specialist equipment.”

Solution: Drive-in Racking, although slow in throughput, offers high density storage. Drive- in Racking Is particularly suited to cold or chill store environments.

Illustration of selective pallet racking

Protection & Repairs Kits

Pallet Racking Safety Options

To get the maximum life out of your Pallet Racking installation, Novalok recommends you fit a good quality racking protection system. Our pallet racking safety options include:

Racking end protection

Standard Frames

Width depths of 900mm

Standard Beams

Row Spacers: 200mm and 300mm standard

Special sizes available on request.

Supplying Systems Since 1986

Let us get involved in the initial design stages of your new project, you never know what problems we may be able to solve for you.

Novalok’s engineering team will assist you with the documentation process to enable your organisation’s racking project to be ‘Certified’ as compliant with the relevant standards. Furthermore Novalok assures you that our products will meet all required installation and manufacturing standards, subject to proper use and operation within maximum load ratings.