
Narrow Aisle Racking

Reduce Wasted Space

Narrow Aisle Pallet Racking

  • Configuration for maximum storage density and cubic efficiency.
  • Better space utilisation.
  • Higher cost specialist fork lift trucks can be offset by added value of better space utilisation.
  • 100% selectivity of product.
  • Suits operations with a large number of SKU’s.
narrow aisle racking

Increase Volumetric Capacity

For Large Volumes of Multiple Product Lines

Got a storage problem?

We may have a solution

Problem: “I need the best space utilization both in height and floor area whilst retaining the ability to access every individual pallet together with pallet height adjustability.”

Solution: Narrow aisle Racking retains the flexibility of wide aisle racking but increases storage capacity by reducing the aisle and storing pallets to a greater height.

illustration of narrow racking

Narrow Aisle Racking Data

Supplying Systems Since 1986

Let us get involved in the initial design stages of your new project, you never know what problems we may be able to solve for you.

Novalok’s engineering team will assist you with the documentation process to enable your organisation’s racking project to be ‘Certified’ as compliant with the relevant standards. Furthermore Novalok assures you that our products will meet all required installation and manufacturing standards, subject to proper use and operation within maximum load ratings.