
Mobile Shelving

Increase Storage Capacity

Compact Mobile Shelving

  • Increase storage capacity by up to twice as much in the same space.
  • Manually operated or mechanically assisted.
  • We’ll assist you with the documentation process to ensure racking compliance.
  • Increased productivity.
Mobile shelving system

Novaspan Mobile Storage

Up to double your storage capacity.

The capacity to save valuable floor space and at the same time provide an efficient closely located inventory management system will have immediate increases in productivity and cost savings. Larger pallet racking installations need to be power driven. Conventional fixed systems have aisles that occupy excessive space. By using our high density mobile shelving system you can recover up to 50% of your floor space (or double your storage capacity) by eliminating fixed aisles. Novaspan mobiles are the most cost effective ‘Space Saver” type shelving system available on a dollar per square meter storage area basis.

Novaspan mobile shelving system

Mechanically Assisted

New Zealand’s leading experts in commercial & industrial steel shelving.

Mounted on a steel chassis, Novaspan mobile shelving occupies half the floor area of a normal static layout. Available in a manually operated unit, which glides with minimal effort, or as a mechanically assisted unit operated by a hand wheel, Novaspan Mobile is the ideal system for areas where storage space is limited. Mobile shelving units can be installed in as many bays of single and double sided modules as your storage area permits. Let Novalok do a free, no obligation appraisal of your storage needs and provide some plans and suggested layouts which could almost double the capacity of your storage.

Up close image of the inner workings of a mechanically assisted unit

Supplying Systems Since 1986

Let us get involved in the initial design stages of your new project, you never know what problems we may be able to solve for you.

Novalok’s engineering team will assist you with the documentation process to enable your organisation’s racking project to be ‘Certified’ as compliant with the relevant standards. Furthermore Novalok assures you that our products will meet all required installation and manufacturing standards, subject to proper use and operation within maximum load ratings.